You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > Report Generator

Reports - Report Generator

The Micronet Report Generator has been designed to allow Micronet users to edit standard Micronet reports and create new reports. It enables you to create ad hoc reports and inquiries to suit your business. All of the standard default reports supplied with your Micronet system can be individually customised, including stationery layouts for your invoices, statements, picking slips, etc.

Note that reports that are produced in MDS (Micronet Distribution System) should be accessed via the MDS Report Generator, reports that are produced in MCL (Micronet Creditors Ledger) should be accessed via the MCL Report Generator, and likewise with MGL (Micronet General Ledger).

Using the Report Generator, you have further facilities to:

The Report Generator uses Windows ‘coordinates’. This means that you can move fields, highlight multiple fields and do most of the things you are probably used to doing with a Windows drawing program.